[:es]Con tres representantes del continente americano, comienza hoy en Swakopmund, Namibia, el Mundial Universitario de Rugby Seven. Dos equipos masculinos, Argentina y Colombia, y uno femenino, Brasil, son parte de las 16 formaciones que competirán en la octava edición de este evento organizado por FISU.
Ayer tuvo lugar la ceremonia inaugural, con el tradicional desfile de banderas, palabras de autoridades y muestras culturales.
Colombia forma parte del Grupo A con Sri Lanka, Malasia y Namibia. Argentina comparte el Grupo B con Francia, Uganda y Zambia. Y Brasil se medirá contra Francia, Bélgica, Australia y Sudáfrica. El partido inaugural del torneo lo disputarán hoy al mediodía las mujeres de Brasil ante Sudáfrica.[:en]
With three representatives of the American continent, the Rugby Seven World University Championship begins today in Swakopmund, Namibia. Two men’s teams, Argentina and Colombia, and one women’s, Brazil, are part of the 16 teams that will compete in the eighth edition of this organized-by-FISU event.
Yesterday took place the opening ceremony, with the traditional procession of flags and countries, words of authorities and cultural performances.
Colombia is part of Pool A with Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Namibia. Argentina shares Pool B with France, Uganda and Zambia. And Brazil will face against France, Belgium, Australia and South Africa. Today, the opening match of the tournament will be disputed at midday by Brazil, against South Africa.[:]