15th World University Futsal Championship begins with great artistic spectacle

Opening was held this Saturday (2), at the International Gym Newton de Faria, in Anápolis

A beautiful spectacle that drew applauses and showed the peculiarities of the state of Goiás and Brazil marked the opening of the 15th World University Futsal Championship – held on this Saturday afternoon, the 2nd of July, in the International Gym Newton de Faria, in the city of Anápolis. A total of 22 delegations from 16 countries are participating in the tournament until the 10th of July. Some of the games will also take place in the city of Goiânia and the admission is free.

Each delegation paraded with the flag of their country, showing the cultural diversity that is meeting in Goiás. The State Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, Raquel Teixeira summarized the event as an “opportunity to export the enthusiastic way of the people from Goiás, who are proud their state.”

With elements that refer to the origin of mankind and also to the futsal, the artistic presentation was signed by the choreographer of Quasar Dance Company, Henrique Rodovalho, show the public the essences from Goiás. The dancers mixed traditional Goiás’ parties such as Procissão do Fogaréu, Cavalhadas and even catira with the sound of “Balada Goiana”, a song well-know in the state in the voice of Marcelo Barra and now sung by Maria Clara. In bare feet and dancing samba, the 16 year singer also sang “Aquarela do Brasil”, the famous Brazilian song from Ary Barroso.

The presentation talked about Brazil, but also simulated goals of each participating country and wowed the athletes in the stands. The show had the participation of 130 students from the state schools and 40 professional dancers, from the dance companies Giro 8 and Quasar. People came from far to watch the event and were delighted with what they saw. “I was impressed with the quality of the presentation. I think it was a very rich idea to put the cultural brand of Goiás, which is receiving the world, in the middle of the opening”, opined the advertising Lívia Mota, from Brasilia.

The opening ceremony also included the oath of the athletes, made by the star of the Brazilian women’s team, Amandinha. “On behalf of all the students, I promise that we will participate in this competition respecting the rules that govern it, with a true spirit of friendship and fair play. For the honor of our country and universities, and for the global progress of the university sport,” said the newly elected as best player in the world for the second consecutive year.

President of the championship’s Organizing Committee in Goiás, Lusimar Santos spoke about the joy in hosting an event of this size. “I wish everyone a great stay and participation,” said him to the delegations. Representing the international commission of referees from FIFA and advisor from FISU, Fernando Parente made the oath representing all the arbitration board.

By declaring the games open, the Secretary Raquel Teixeira reinforced the desire to welcome and thanked everyone involved in the organization. “Take from Goiás the memory of a friendly state, which is proud to host this event,” she said.

After the ceremony, the Brazilian women’s team came on to face Bolivia. The men’s team will play only on Monday (4). The match will be against Israel, at 8pm, in Goiânia Arena Gym.

To check more about the championship, acess wucfutsal2016.com or download the WUC Futsal app – released in Portuguese and English, with free download to Android and iOS devices. The live broadcast of all games is also being conducted in the championship’s fanpage on Facebook.



The 15th World University Futsal Championship is organized by the International University Sports Federation (Fisu), the Brazilian Confederation of University Sports (CBDU) and the Federation of University Sports of Goiás (FGDU). Support comes from the Government of the State of Goiás, through the Secretariat of Education, Culture and Sports (Seduce). The companies Gerflor, Unimed Goiânia and Onza are the sponsors. The event has the backing of Fifa and will take place from July the 2nd to the 10th, in Goiânia and Anápolis. In the male category will be present the teams of Argentina, Brazil, Kazakhstan, China, France, Israel, New Zealand, Portugal, Czech Republic, Russia and Thailand. In women category will participate Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia.


Press information:

MAC Editora e Jornalismo – (62) 3093-4082 | (62) 9 8414-2768

Ana Flávia Marinho – jornalismo2@macjornalismo.com.br

Catherine Moraes – imprensa.wucfutsal2016@gmail.com

Cejane Pupulin – jornalismo1@macjornalismo.com.br

Mirian Tomé – macjornalismo@macjornalismo.com.br

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